
Finchley Golf Club

Covid Roadmap

The Government has outlined a 4 step, 64-page plan detailing the nations measured return to normality. To give our Members clarity and the ability to look forward and plan towards this momentous milestone we have created our own road map. 

In this road map, the Club mirrors the Government's 4 steps, the associated start dates and applies the guidelines to our Club's operations. If of course, the Government move these dates or guidelines then the Club will adjust accordingly. 

Step 1

29th March

Step 2

No earlier than12thApril

Step 3

No earlier than17th May

Step 4

No earlier than17th May

Booking via IG 10minintervals onbothgolf courses Booking via IG 10minintervals onbothgolf courses Booking via IG 10minintervals onbothgolf courses  Booking via IG 10minintervals onbothgolf courses 

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.